How many non-technical people do you know that use Chrome as their primary browser?
I ask this because while I know plenty of tech savvy people that use Firefox, I'm in the minority on the Chrome/Chromium front amongst them, and I don't know a single non-technical person who uses Chrome.
I know quite a few non-technical person who use Chrome. I cannot guarantee that they know how to install an extension though. Most of the non-tech people uses internet primarily for FaceBook and they shouldn't be concerned when they see their FaceBook on say,
Installing this extension is as easy as clicking the big Install button on its page and then click Install when Chrome asks you whether you really want to install the extension.
You still need to go to Chrome extension website right? It's not that when you go to a website that has FB connect, the Chrome asks if you want to block it or not. That would be effective though.
I imagine there's plenty, since they've been running ads on Hulu, and possibly TV as well. They also have ads for it on the google homepage and youtube ('watch in a better browser' or something like that)
Use a general "browser firewall" and add http://*.connect.facebook.*/* to the list of blocked urls...