FYI, in case you were wondering as I was, whether it is legal to add arbitrary properties to HTML tags:
"The data-bind attribute isn’t native to HTML, though it is perfectly OK (it’s strictly compliant in HTML 5, and causes no problems with HTML 4 even though a validator will point out that it’s an unrecognized attribute)."
It's good to see more developments in this area, as I liked the management offered by projects such as SproutCore, but the stack as a whole was very heavyweight.
I did work on my own take, using some of the ideas from SproutCore, though didn't get very far in polish (
I've only had a brief look, but the dependency tracking looks much cleaner than other solutions I've seen for partial template redrawing.
Do Backbone and Knockout interact well, or are there conflicts in getting them to play nicely together?
There's a fair amount of overlap between them, so I'm not sure you'd want to use both. Backbone has a more integrated persistence layer, but that layer is pretty tied to the model. It wouldn't make sense to use that and use Knockout for the view. There may be some useful cross-pollination, but that should just be by both frameworks adding/changing features.
This is really awesome. It's lightweight, well documented and Open source.
I actually find it better to use Backbone, jQuery and Knockout together instead of heavy and bloated libraries like ExtJs and Cappuccino. These three libraries provides the necessary functionalities to build a medium sized JavaScript application. You'll have to take care of the design yourself, though.
I didn't go throughout the frameworks, but I imagine this scenario:
Backbone is the main platform. You'll use it for pretty much everything except one thing "templating". Knockout will fit well with templating. The example that is present in the home page is what I think of. This will help separate the two processes. I'll have two different files reducing the complexity of each one. jQuery is the rescue when dealing with other DOM issues, animation and also AJAX.
WOW! :) Automatic refresh? I can't tell you the number of times I've had to abandon fancy Ajax because of the need to refresh the DOM (checkboxes that were 'deleted' still existed in the form submission... yes I'm sure there's a way to do it, but there's a balance between time and ... oh nevermind)
Also, I really like the way that bindings are done.
data-bind="click: foo();"
is so much nicer than
$(':checked').each(function(bar){/* do foo; */}).bind(this);
or whatever it was I was doing in jQuery the other day. I'm probably mixing up my prototype and jquery syntax there. :)
If you want this, you should check out the new data binding in jQuery. It enables it in a cleaner fashion (no JS in HTML attributes) and accomplishes the same goal.
Sorry to lead with a criticism but the use of the data- attribute in these examples is kind of ugly. I understand their motives, but if you're going to use data- in a "declarative" way, why not just have multiple declarations of the data- attributes? For example: data-bind-value="firstName" data-bind-text="firstName", etc. I'm sure I'm missing something.
That said, this looks like an interesting library and worth playing around with. I'm loving the huge amount of JS framework experimentation going on.
Serves me right. I do an essay about MVC, PVC, and (¬M)VC patterns, and someone comes along and introduces the very interesting MV(VM) pattern. Very interesting!
Interesting. The primary motivation as expressed in that link seems to be the separation of concerns to facilitate having a specialist UX designer and a specialist programmer working in a decoupled way.
My experience is that this happens only after the view has matured. It's hard to foresee everything that should be in the view model. The UX guy will want certain things in the API and there will be a lot of interplay between the two roles to start. The advantage is that once the model has matured, the UX guy has a lot of flexibility. Refactoring the UX is pretty independent of the view model. The view model also tends to be more robust because it's easy to unit test, unlike some jQuery mashup.
I've now seen that the MVP pattern is actually very similiar to the MV(VM) pattern.
But i don't really understand the difference. I have, in my applications a basic view that declares all GUI-elements, and special aspects of the GUI, like columns resizable or not in a table. Thats mostly for the designer to build everything out.
Now i write my domain models.
Then i go on and have a concrete view that inherits the formerly created view and sets up databinding, validation, actions etc. handled by the presentation model.
The presentation model is always connected to one specific domain model.
So now i have:
Abstract view (mostly for the designer)
View -> Presentation model -> Domain Model
Besides the presentation, there are validators etc. but all incorporated with the presentation.
Now i can test against the presentation, the domain or the concrete views.
Also, i can bind multiple presentation models against one view, or one presentation model against multiple views.
The evaling is a robust way to parse the JSON-like binding syntax at the full speed of the browser's native code. Much faster than implementing the parsing in JavaScript.
It can do in cases where you find that more convenient. Whenever you prefer to move logic into your view model and just reference it, you can do so. It's intended to be flexible.
Think of the bindings as data, not as procedural code.
It's so much more convenient to do it this way (avoiding having to figure out where each bit of behaviour comes from), especially when you're generating UI from within templates.
I'm only 4 hours into knockout.js but this seems to be the key benefit.
I've been massacring functions that manipulate multiple elements and instead am directly tying the behaviors to the underlying data. My future self is very pleased with me.
It takes almost 4 seconds to load and delays the site's rendering. Making it load much quicker is really the goal here. Also, it's 3000 x 2227 pixels large.
I think this is huge. I say this coming from working with MVVM in .NET/WPF for the last year. I've worked with Javascript (ExtJS) before, but I always found it a pain in the ass to use.
MVVM promotes testing, while allowing developers to build simplistic and decoupled apps. I for one am pumped to have found this!
This testing point is spot on. Last night, I was getting killed with little bugs on some dynamic menu / tab widget where things got added and deleted and the active tab needed to move around smartly. Knockout allowed me to whip up 30 tests for the expected behavior and then make sure my view model worked correctly and had a decent API before turning to the actual view. With just a few commands I could bind this to the view and all the functionality worked flawlessly.
as a designer this still seems a little convoluted to me. I think jquery did so well because of it's simple interface and I think javascript mvc can also be done simpler then this.
I'm not saying this is bad. Just that I'm not going to jump on this until a simpler option come around. I am also a mvc fan.
I would try it. I'm using KnockoutJS plus CoffeeScript and it's hard to imagine how it could be much cleaner. I would never go back to using jQuery bindings for UI except maybe for the smallest little things.
Could you give an example how KnockoutJS and CoffeeScript fit together? Or is there a blog post somewhere that explains the details for using this combo?
They're two very different approaches to the same problem. To put it roughly: Backbone emphasizes smart models that can be passed around and observed by views or controllers, and Knockout emphasizes smart views that have bindings and logic written into HTML attributes.
The levels of granularity are also different. With Knockout, any change to the data will update that atomic portion of the view. With Backbone, the default is to be much more coarsely grained. The good baseline approach for getting started is to simply re-render the view when the model changes:
model.bind("change", this.render);
And now, whenever any attribute in the model is updated, the view is redrawn. In most cases, that's all you ever need, but in performance critical cases, you can optimize by listening for changes to specific values, and updating just those portions of the view.
I considered both Backbone and Knockout and ended up with Knockout, although both are great! I find Knockout's simple declarative binding to be cleaner for most cases:
<span data-bind:"text: title"></span>
And Knockout allows you to put bindings in code too, where that makes sense. I also like the way Knockout keeps everything in the view model, rather than passing in the observable attributes when constructing an instance. For instance:
var Sidebar = Backbone.Model.extend({
promptColor: function() {
var cssColor = prompt("Please enter a CSS color:");
this.set({color: cssColor});
Here color doesn't exist yet. I guess this is just standard javascript style? In Knockout (+coffeescript), I'd write:
class SideBar
color: ko.observable('white')
promptColor: ->
@color(prompt('Please enter CSS color:'))
My model is self-contained. This example also shows the syntax for updating and getting values. I prefer Knockout's
to Backbone's
@set({color: cssColor})
although this is minor and perhaps you want to allow for bulk updates.
I can't help but feel that these types of libraries are the future. I hope there is lots of cross-pollination going on. Sproutcore focuses on the 5 percent of webapps that should be desktop style. Both Knockout and Backbone give lots of the same benefits, but allow a more flexible application style.
My only wish is for a language agnostic persistence protocol, with some and REST protocols implemented for most frameworks/languages. Ideally, I could use this protocol to sync with my iPhone/Android/HTML5 app, without changing the server side. This could get very hairy (FeedSync/LiveMesh/Wave), but something simple that accomplishes 90% would be a great.
Knockout is meant to enable the whole MVVM pattern, and supports it with:
* Declarative binding syntax (a very simple way to link model properties/functions to DOM elements without writing manual "render" functions or event handlers)
* Automatic dependency tracking (so you can have arbitrary nested chains of computed properties that combine multiple observables, and so KO can work out on its own exactly which part of your UI to refresh after any given model change).
The templating stuff is a bit more baked in with KO too. Backbone, on the other hand, does more of the JSON data access stuff natively, whereas KO assumes you'll use normal jQuery Ajax for that.
(Disclaimer: I don't know backbone.js well, and I created Knockout, so you may want to make your own comparison.)
I don't think so. Backbone is more about the Models, Collections, and persistence. Backbone doesn't do much with views or even touch templating, it just gives you a basic way to hook up the views to the data.
From what it looks like Knockout is all about the views and templating. Seems like the killer feature is auto-updating views and its templating system.
Backbone does do some things with callbacks and handling changes to your models, but you would update the views yourself.
Wondering how Knockout data binding compares to Flapjax. I find the idea of bringing FRP to the browser promising, but Flapjax' choice of either a js preprocessor or a cumbersome API put me off.
"The data-bind attribute isn’t native to HTML, though it is perfectly OK (it’s strictly compliant in HTML 5, and causes no problems with HTML 4 even though a validator will point out that it’s an unrecognized attribute)."