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Here's the banner that they put up on peoples newsfeeds: https://imgur.com/G7sBbwX

Nowhere on that banner does Facebook make it clear that there was recently a severe security issue that may have resulted in the loss of personal user information (Making it much less likely for the user to actually click 'Learn More'). It's misleading to title this with just "An Important Security Update" and make it seem like they've just updated their systems. No mention of the recent compromise until you click 'Learn More'.

They've been showing me that banner for a while. In fact, they stopped showing it to me about a week ago. Are your sure it's related?

This is 100% the banner I have received. The call to action directs you to this page:


Which is the issue at hand.

Okay. That's very deceptive of Facebook.

Also, it's "100%" the banner I saw for several days last week. Make of that what you will. I didn't click it so I don't know what it pointed towards.

This banner is crazily insufficient. It disappears forever after you visit any other page, without you having to acknowledge its existence.

I just checked fb, and went quickly to my first notification. I didn't really register what the banner was until maybe a second after it loaded - at which point I had already clicked on my first notification. By that point, the banner is gone forever. I can't find any way to get it back.

It's so, so easy to miss this message.

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