What I've exexperienced is that the team / client falls in love with senseless doodads and whatnots. They lack they empathy to ask:
- "If I saw this for the first time, what would I think?" as well as
- "If I had too keep seeing this - knowing it's not helping me - what would I think?"
The user needs is a distant third to the team's wants and lack of empathy. You'd think after Adobe Flash being abused we would have learned? That doesn't seem to be the case.
What I've exexperienced is that the team / client falls in love with senseless doodads and whatnots. They lack they empathy to ask:
- "If I saw this for the first time, what would I think?" as well as
- "If I had too keep seeing this - knowing it's not helping me - what would I think?"
The user needs is a distant third to the team's wants and lack of empathy. You'd think after Adobe Flash being abused we would have learned? That doesn't seem to be the case.