It also ignores all the very real other side effects of inefficient design (the most common cause of poor performance). For example, bad user experience (if you need to spread out your traffic onto many servers that usually implies a sizeable latency on each page view), engineering drag due to technical debt, and engineering drag due to cumbersome infrastructure and deployment overhead. All of these things matter.
In general a company with a more efficient solution will have an easier time with just about every aspect of development and deployment, which pays huge dividends. However, if you find that engineering such efficiency is too difficult due to fundamental design choices or legacy systems then sometimes it's not worth killing yourself to fix.
In general a company with a more efficient solution will have an easier time with just about every aspect of development and deployment, which pays huge dividends. However, if you find that engineering such efficiency is too difficult due to fundamental design choices or legacy systems then sometimes it's not worth killing yourself to fix.