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It's actually educational attainment [1]

[1] https://poverty.ucdavis.edu/faq/how-does-level-education-rel...

I live in San Francisco and work in Mountain View, CA, with the lowest sector of society. I showed up for work starving and with only 18 years of programming exp., about a momth ago (ie. No low skill, dish washing/bagging as a teen). None of my classmates or former colleagues would help me more than a few hundred dollars, despite 10+ years of shared history. Now I can at least feed myself, grand totaling like $40/day cash income, ie. Too poor to wait 2 weeks for payroll. 2yr ago I was making over $200k and was wrongly fired, destroying my resume. Lowest rung job is the magic bottom step, humbling but I learned the ropes at 14yo so it’s just time to rebuild now, after months of starving/begging for work. I got a bachelor’s degree in 2011 and had old friends/classmates locally who are still here, too.

Have you written your story somewhere? Would really like to read it.

Particularly, I think going from a $200k job to starving must be quite the whirlwind journey.

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