Through an evolution lense we evolved to not be eating huge meals in the middle of the night. When the liver doesn’t have to work on digestion it can better focus on the myriad of other tasks it’s responsible for.
As for mayurasana, I doubt any pharma company is going to drop 500 Gs to perform a double blind random controlled study with >1000 participants , but just try it for a month:
Benefits of The Peacock (Mayurasana)
1. Because of the pressure on the abdomen,the blood is directed towards the digestive the intra-abdominal pressure is increased,the abdominal viscera is toned
2. Liver,pancreas,stomach and spleen are invigorated.The nerves and muscles connected with the kidneys and intestines are revitalised.
3. Sluggishness of the liver or hepatic torpidity disappears.
It’s dangerous for women because the intense pressure and slight inversion can mess up their menstrual process during the height of it (3day span usually). Sadly no pharma studies are available on this (what company would drop money on studying that !)
Governments would pay for it. As would health insurances. It is in their own benefit that they study this sort of thing. "Big pharma companies" won't because that is honestly outside their field of study, which is the development of pharma products. It seriously isn't worth taking money away from better treatments for malaria or cancer to study it. However, universities and goverments and health insurance companies would be interested. The first is because some universities are research centers and the other two are interested in lowering their costs for health care. Simple solutions are good for these groups.
And about the woman stuff? I don't buy it. Of course they would drop money on it - at the same rate they drop money on menstral studies, anyway (it isn't as much as some other things, but they do study such things). Part of the menstral process is contributed by muscle cramps and gravity. Lying down in general will sometimes make things slow down, especially on the last day or two. Once the person is upright, the person might simply have a heavier flow those days. Without studies, this sort of advice is simply founded in superstition.