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The "difference" map (third one, green/pink) is one of the clearest, most intuitive and educational visualizations I've seen in a long time. The "Black belt" line is so clearly revealing.

I wish "difference from trend" maps were more popular, and more prevalent in the media -- this would be a tremendous asset in the classroom as well when teaching statistics.


Thank you! I'm flattered. I like that map too, and I'm definitely interested in making more "difference from trend" choropleth maps in the future.

If you want it to work in Safari or Edge (or other ES6 compliant browsers), you can use

    Object.assign(foo, {'a': 'b', etc.})
Instead of

    {...foo, 'a': 'b', etc.}
For example, https://beta.observablehq.com/d/64da99d0a15ecb6a

Object spreads work in Safari (I'm using 11).

Here is another 'difference from trend' map: https://imgur.com/a/4p0NgRn

Tennessee counties clearly stand out.

Is it all that different from the original votes map? The Delta, Black Belt, and southern Texas trends are pretty clear there too.

Not trying to be difficult, just curious what you see.

Interesting how there was a green (bias for Clinton) along the southern borderline. Do they not like The Wall?

It's not just Texans near the border: "Statewide, 61 percent of Texans oppose building a wall, while 35 percent support it and 4 percent don’t know or declined to answer, according to a poll conducted in April by Texas Lyceum, a nonprofit leadership organization." https://www.star-telegram.com/news/state/texas/article152402... (Link to study, sample size 1000: https://www.texaslyceum.org/page-18205 )

If you visit the Big Bend area and see the Rio Grande border area, you’ll see the insanity of the idea. There’s a river and steep banks on both sides. There’s also a symbiosis where Mexicans cross to sell trinkets (many bearing the words “no wall” en espanol) and tourists cross into Mexico to spend the day.

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