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The "right" - if we are referring to Repubs/Trump voters/Fox News Watchers/etc - are in no position to claim "leave me alone and I'll leave you alone" as their motto.

Sorry, why not? Shouldn't anyome have that right if urban living constraints don't get in the way?

I'm saying that the laws that the "right" in the US seek to enact are not consistent with "leave me alone and I'll leave you alone" philosophy.

Anti letting women choose to get an abortion, anti gay marriage, anti marijuana, anti separation of religion and government (via tax exemptions and taxpayer funding of religious schools) , subsidizing specific businesses with taxpayer funds, pro warrantless surveillance, pro police state, etc.

Personally I feel like the issue of abortion is different from the rest of those. There is so much between the moment a guy puts a condom on and when the baby is crowning. It's clear to me that those who are against birth control and in favor of abstinence are extreme. At the same time, it would be criminal to abort a baby as it is crowning. (Btw, is making this criminal anti woman?)

There are moderates who approve of plan b and who understand that the latter case is unjust.

Now for the rest of us we have to decide on a month/week/day or development milestone to figure out exactly when it no longer becomes ok to abort. Who has any right to decide the precise step in development process where it becomes unethical to abort. Yet we must draw a line.

Personally on this issue I am surprised people can feel so confident about what the right thing is to do.

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