1. Tim Ferriss's 4HWW suggestion to focus on one or two things a day and when you're doing one of those things, do it in one shot. Don't take any breaks, ready any news, or get lunch before you're done with it.
2. Scrum. The daily meetings and sprint demos have highly motivated to show what I've done. It's also hard to explain away bad performance when the burndown chart is falling behind because of you.
3. GTD tip: What's the next action? It feels great to boil big projects down to a next action. Sometimes great enough to actually start doing it. :)
4. Listen to some music. Sometimes this boosts my mood and motivates me to delve into a project. The trick is turning off the music once you get to the first problem that requires some deep thought.
1. Tim Ferriss's 4HWW suggestion to focus on one or two things a day and when you're doing one of those things, do it in one shot. Don't take any breaks, ready any news, or get lunch before you're done with it.
2. Scrum. The daily meetings and sprint demos have highly motivated to show what I've done. It's also hard to explain away bad performance when the burndown chart is falling behind because of you.
3. GTD tip: What's the next action? It feels great to boil big projects down to a next action. Sometimes great enough to actually start doing it. :)
4. Listen to some music. Sometimes this boosts my mood and motivates me to delve into a project. The trick is turning off the music once you get to the first problem that requires some deep thought.