For a decade or so, I've been using `vim -o ~/{todo,progress,done}`
That gives me vim with three splits. Every day I add a new heading with the current date in the bottom split, then in the top one I list the things I plan to do that day. As new urgent work comes in throughout the day, I add it to the top split too. When I start working on something, I move it to the middle split. If I have to shift between tasks, I'll keep their entries in the middle split up to data with what i've done, next steps, etc. When I finish something, I move it from the middle split to the bottom split.
Yep, -o will have your work flow top to bottom, -O will have it flow left to right. I prefer the former because it gives me more horizontal space on each line.
Nothing fancy. I keep this vim window permanently open at a fixed position. Roughly once a day I remember to save them. I archive the files and start fresh every time I switch jobs.
That gives me vim with three splits. Every day I add a new heading with the current date in the bottom split, then in the top one I list the things I plan to do that day. As new urgent work comes in throughout the day, I add it to the top split too. When I start working on something, I move it to the middle split. If I have to shift between tasks, I'll keep their entries in the middle split up to data with what i've done, next steps, etc. When I finish something, I move it from the middle split to the bottom split.
You can see a sample at
This helps me
* plan how much I can accomplish in a day
* limit the number of things I'm doing at once
* remember context when i do have to multitask
* explain to others (e.g. my manager) what i've been working on