In case it's useful to anyone (or they want to pick at my code), here's a quick and dirty python thing I use to automate timestamps on journal entries. It just accepts strings of text and saves them in a file named with today's date and a time above each entry.
import time
user_input = ""
date_string = '-'.join([str(n).zfill(2) for n in time.localtime(time.time())[0:3]])
while user_input != "q":
user_input = raw_input("Log entry (q to quit): ")
with open("time_log_"+date_string+".txt","a") as timelog:
'-'.join([str(n).zfill(2) for n in time.localtime(time.time())[0:3]])
+ ' '
+ ':'.join([str(n).zfill(2) for n in time.localtime(time.time())[3:5]])
+ ' | '
+ user_input
+ '\n')