We used to do code + art in the same 1TB perforce repo back when I did gamedev. Art folder was ~600GB. Having a workspace to eliminate that as a developer was awesome.
Git still fails to even approach the usefulness that P4 brought to those types of shops. Between the auto-cache proxies, dealing with 1TB+ repos and workspaces there's a reason P4 still does pretty well.
I won't reply to all the comments saying mostly the same thing, but Git doesn't have this, true. SVN, another centralized system, does have it. Shallow checkouts plus folder checkouts and you can have any combo you want. Without adding another concept to take care of.
We used to do code + art in the same 1TB perforce repo back when I did gamedev. Art folder was ~600GB. Having a workspace to eliminate that as a developer was awesome.
Git still fails to even approach the usefulness that P4 brought to those types of shops. Between the auto-cache proxies, dealing with 1TB+ repos and workspaces there's a reason P4 still does pretty well.