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I didn't believe in full-stack engineering either, until I had a very hairy problem that required fighting with various interacting issues to obtain a specific level of "web performance".

And yes, I know about "font loading, images, SVGs, animations, auditing third party scripts". Still sometimes, you have to dig deeper in the stack to find the low hanging fruit that will make the difference between meeting requirements or not.

After throwing away the nice SVGs and replacing them by inline PNG (uglier, but you need that 15% size difference and the precious milliseconds), what do you do?

My current solution is a combination of various things - the last element being VPS close to the customers to provide resources with a very low latency.

(and by the way, if anyone happens to know reliable VPS companies in South America, Japan, South Africa, I would love some recommendations. I only know about Hetzner ZA and Linode JP. I would love to find some good host quality around Uruguay or Brasil)

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