This is a scripting language I've been working on since 2016. Originally, I did not plan to make a language, but I had a couple weeks available for some project while waiting for Gfx upgrades. It turned out to be so much fun to work on that I've continued working on it.
It uses a lifetime checker (like Rust) for safety instead of a garbage collector. No borrowing semantics, so the language is simpler than Rust. The language is parsed using Piston's meta-parser, which is fed in parallel to the lifetime/type checker and the AST constructor. This makes Dyon a bit faster at loading scripts.
Modules are loaded dynamically without polluting the environment of the loader. You must call a function using `call` or `call_ret` to make dependent modules part of the environment.
Dyon supports 4D vectors, HTML color literals, Go-like coroutines and a special link structure with its own template-like loop which makes text generation fast and ergonomic.
It uses a lifetime checker (like Rust) for safety instead of a garbage collector. No borrowing semantics, so the language is simpler than Rust. The language is parsed using Piston's meta-parser, which is fed in parallel to the lifetime/type checker and the AST constructor. This makes Dyon a bit faster at loading scripts.
Modules are loaded dynamically without polluting the environment of the loader. You must call a function using `call` or `call_ret` to make dependent modules part of the environment.
Dyon supports 4D vectors, HTML color literals, Go-like coroutines and a special link structure with its own template-like loop which makes text generation fast and ergonomic.