1. Got me a library card and took me to the library often.
2. No Nintendo during the week. (And in fact, they did not buy me the system at all, my grandparents gave it to me as a gift several years after all my friends had one)
edit: Also, I spent time with cousins who also read a lot. Having peers who read and can recommend books is great encouragement.
Wow, I must be a terrible parent, because I can't sympathize with either of those.
My son's been playing the same PS2 for years. If he's bored, I tell him to read a book or go run around outside or he can help me with something. If he doesn't want that, well I can find him some chores to keep him busy. If he whines, I tell him I don't want to hear it: go do it somewhere else. Attempting to be manipulative e.g., playing one parent against the other generally gets whatever he wanted taken away for a while.
He (almost 10 years old) absolutely loves to read and we happily feed that habit. Video games/cartoons are a privilege rationed out carefully and taken away when behavior problems arise.
I worry a lot more that I don't have time to take my son fishing than whether or not he's got the same toys his friends do.
I have always liked my parent's approach to "I'm bored". I wasn't afraid to say I was bored; I just knew that they'd tell me "Being bored is a choice. Find something to do." and refuse to help me.
As a result, I have never been bored for more than about 5 minutes at a time for nearly a decade. (well, besides classes. But even then I don't think of myself as bored)
1. Got me a library card and took me to the library often.
2. No Nintendo during the week. (And in fact, they did not buy me the system at all, my grandparents gave it to me as a gift several years after all my friends had one)
edit: Also, I spent time with cousins who also read a lot. Having peers who read and can recommend books is great encouragement.