We cannot blame the teachers, nor the children. I think it's a big trouble for all humanity. All these things i've lived in varsity was so terrible, i remember something from the career chief of on of the best schools here in Mexico(http://ipn.mx). At the final exam, those one for get the degree, we told him that we wanted to do a online startup to begin creating jobs in our country, learn great things and be proactives, we argued if Mark Zuckerberg did, why we didn't?. He answered "Place yourself in your context, this is Mexico and there are nobody who has done something like this, please be realistics."
I honestly can understand his thoughs, because he's a person who finished his Master Degree in the same school he studied his career, he never got a job in the industry and by the same, he didn't know anything about what's going on this daily-changing world called internet.
I have several things to share here, and also i have my own answer about why the schools aren't working anymore. Why humans created schools? universities and specialized courses of some science? Because they noted if you start giving "education" to people they will be useful for industries and they will generate wealth, and that was true 70 years ago, -ie i've studied as part of Computer Engineer career a subject called "logical circuits" where we built some circuits with some logic gates, and using a protoboard. I really hated these stuff, but if i imagine myself studying these topic 70 years ago, I would be surely fascinated.
Today is another history, a history where driven-knowledge is to a few clicks, and where you can learn as fast as you want, a history where knowledge six months ago is no longer profitable,a history where you cannot wait to get information from another guy who calls himself a professor but it really does not love their job, but by money. You cannot depend of what are you learning using such a valuable resource like time from a stranger who doesn't care about what you love to do. We need to start creating yesterday, and the future is today.
I think schools need to change the way educate people, because just give knowledge with non sense of application kind of useless(some psychologists
says the knowledge is better developed by practicing
not just reading or listening), and i personally consider a waste of time these behavior, because we forget knowledge pretty much everything if we don't use it, and also we didn't really own knowledge at all, sometimes it's just an act of imitating your teacher trying to get a high note.
Intelligence is the ability to solve problems, and repeating some old stuff doesn't solve nothing but high average in school.
From the other hand, i think internet is such a great tool to start building real knowledge of almost anything, we can search from how to find the g point to build a molotov bomb in a few clicks away. Internet is such an amazing way of share experiential knowledge and give value to other people like HackerNews, somo other tools like Quora, StackOverflow and more to come. We can connect people with the same ideology or same musical preferences. I find my first paid work using Internet, i met my actual girlfriend from internet, i know almost all i do from here, the internet, i'm sharing what i'm learning in a blog post, i've built a community for Mexican and Latin American Android Developers. There aren't barriers here, and those mental barriers you can defeat at a pair of clicks.
I honestly can understand his thoughs, because he's a person who finished his Master Degree in the same school he studied his career, he never got a job in the industry and by the same, he didn't know anything about what's going on this daily-changing world called internet.
I have several things to share here, and also i have my own answer about why the schools aren't working anymore. Why humans created schools? universities and specialized courses of some science? Because they noted if you start giving "education" to people they will be useful for industries and they will generate wealth, and that was true 70 years ago, -ie i've studied as part of Computer Engineer career a subject called "logical circuits" where we built some circuits with some logic gates, and using a protoboard. I really hated these stuff, but if i imagine myself studying these topic 70 years ago, I would be surely fascinated.
Today is another history, a history where driven-knowledge is to a few clicks, and where you can learn as fast as you want, a history where knowledge six months ago is no longer profitable,a history where you cannot wait to get information from another guy who calls himself a professor but it really does not love their job, but by money. You cannot depend of what are you learning using such a valuable resource like time from a stranger who doesn't care about what you love to do. We need to start creating yesterday, and the future is today.
I think schools need to change the way educate people, because just give knowledge with non sense of application kind of useless(some psychologists says the knowledge is better developed by practicing not just reading or listening), and i personally consider a waste of time these behavior, because we forget knowledge pretty much everything if we don't use it, and also we didn't really own knowledge at all, sometimes it's just an act of imitating your teacher trying to get a high note.
Intelligence is the ability to solve problems, and repeating some old stuff doesn't solve nothing but high average in school.
From the other hand, i think internet is such a great tool to start building real knowledge of almost anything, we can search from how to find the g point to build a molotov bomb in a few clicks away. Internet is such an amazing way of share experiential knowledge and give value to other people like HackerNews, somo other tools like Quora, StackOverflow and more to come. We can connect people with the same ideology or same musical preferences. I find my first paid work using Internet, i met my actual girlfriend from internet, i know almost all i do from here, the internet, i'm sharing what i'm learning in a blog post, i've built a community for Mexican and Latin American Android Developers. There aren't barriers here, and those mental barriers you can defeat at a pair of clicks.