| Writer / Dev Advocate | Chicago or Remote | Full Time is an open source, programmable CDN. Developers write JavaScript Edge Applications locally, test them, and deploy across our global network of servers.
We're hiring to improve our publishing! You might want to apply if you enjoy JavaScript and writing for developers. You'll be really good for this role if you can come up with interesting ideas and turn them into finished content. We're remote first, and super flexible, so you hopefully like talking to other people on Slack and getting together with the rest of the company every few months. If you like giving talks and going to conferences, you can do that too (but it's not a requirement).
Publishing is one of the most important things we do. It's how devs learn about us, how we get customers, and a good thing to work on if you want your work to a direct impact. This is not a secondary job at an already successful company, this hire matters.
Just wanna throw in that is an incredible concept:
a) Set up a "Site" and add caching and HTTPS with ease. Inject analytics with one button press on their web GUI. Free (credit) tier and services as low as $1/month after that.
b) Create an "Edge App", basically program your own CDN/DNS, deployed to Fly's 18 servers, in the same language you use on the front-end, the latest Javascript. Use their API to cache however you like, re-route `/pathnames`, and so on. Even resize or watermark images based on the request. Or just import something from NPM.
c) Their "Wormhole" product lets you load-blanace without nginx, just by adding some text to your Dockerfile. I've deployed a swarm to Docker across several VPS using this, no nginx config required.
You can start with no credit card, only caveat is you need a DNS with flattened CNAMEs (for root) or ANAMEs or ALIASs (unless you only wanna use subdomains).
We're hiring to improve our publishing! You might want to apply if you enjoy JavaScript and writing for developers. You'll be really good for this role if you can come up with interesting ideas and turn them into finished content. We're remote first, and super flexible, so you hopefully like talking to other people on Slack and getting together with the rest of the company every few months. If you like giving talks and going to conferences, you can do that too (but it's not a requirement).
Publishing is one of the most important things we do. It's how devs learn about us, how we get customers, and a good thing to work on if you want your work to a direct impact. This is not a secondary job at an already successful company, this hire matters.
Example content:
Salary is is competitive, our equity grants are relatively large (up to 2% of the company), and we offer health benefits for US based employees.
To apply, send an email to Please include a developer focused writing sample, and links to any code you've written.