I should have said: I don't use Vim at all. I get by with Notepad++ for the tiny amount of G-Code editing I need to make a few tweaks to laser cutter programs.
I use AutoHotKey to remap caps lock to delete and shift + caps lock to caps lock.
Years ago, I got into the habit of using ctrl-[ to get out of insert mode instead of pressing Esc. I find having CapsLock useful for typing all-caps constants in source code when needed.
I map CapsLock to Ctrl, where it belongs. I've recently gotten into the habit of using Ctrl-[ for Escape, though, because I'm stuck on a MacBook with one of those horrible touchbars, and I had to turn it off to remain sane.
It does, but it requires that the word to be autocompleted is present in one of the other loaded buffers. If you're typing out a new variable name, it won't work.
I was referring to the regular complete feature (rather than omnicomplete). The default setting is supposed to take included files into account, but that feature doesn't appear to work with imports in python.
Question for anyone who knows: is there a vim command or plugin to transform the word the cursor is under to upper/lowercase (or camelCase, kebab-case, snake_case, while we're at it)?
g~w will swith lowercase letters to uppercase ones and vice versa. gUw will change all letters in the word to uppercase. guw will change all uppercase letters in the word to lower case. See :help case for more details.
There are probably plugins to change words to camelCase, snake_case, etc, but I'm not aware of any built-in command to do that (other than manually editing it).