I have to agree. The receipt checkers at stores annoy me to no end.
But DRM is much worse. It prevents me from doing things that it seems like I ought to be able to do. If the kindle did not use DRM, I would buy one right now. As it is, I am staying primarily with physical books for the moment.
Unimportant tangent: Is checking receipts and looking into bags really legal in the (I would assume) US? It isn't in Germany and if employees hold you against your will they better be damn sure that you actually stole something or they are in serious trouble (as in: possibly going to jail trouble).
" It isn't in Germany and if employees hold you against your will they better be damn sure that you actually stole something or they are in serious trouble (as in: possibly going to jail trouble)."
The USA (or least New York state) has laws against false imprisonment, false arrest, and unlawful detainment.
But DRM is much worse. It prevents me from doing things that it seems like I ought to be able to do. If the kindle did not use DRM, I would buy one right now. As it is, I am staying primarily with physical books for the moment.