A bit over dramatic. I remember Unreal 3 was close to 2 mil and that's the normal region for games (and has been for a decade) and trust me, gamedev studios are not staffed by seasoned programmers.
Is that just scripting, or does that include the engine?
If it's just game scripting, then I could imagine it's possible to squeeze 2 mil lines out of junior devs. I assume there are very few things that can go drastically "wrong".
"Scripting" vs coding is not a clear cut case also a lot of studios (back in the day that is, since now the unreal model is different and everyone has access to the source) had source access so games would usually make changes to the engine. 2 mil is just the base engine. There's of course loads of middleware and plugins and integration for it all, probably doubling the size and of course the "scripting" which adds complexity like anything else and it relies on support for things in the main codebase. Customising the engine is not a matter of tweaking variables but extending the base classes. And for game logic you might be writing completely separate systems with their own architecture.
Repos were big. Really big. Especially since we're talking about people who will check in FMVs into source control.