A chart with one row for each "feature" and one column for each of six "competitors." There's checks and X's everywhere, except of course a glowing, highlighted column representing your company which just happens to be full of checks. C'mon, everyone knows this is bullshit; it's insulting.
I always thought it was a decent way to showcase your strengths, not a way to insult anyone. Obviously this comparison chart could include a row called "traffic volume" in which they would all blow away Foreverlist, but why would I showcase that?
Is this kind of comparison chart really that bad? What would you suggest?
Using a feature comparison chart to try to explain your BENEFITS to a customer is entirely different than using it in a presentation to a potential investor to justify your market strategy.
That said, the ForeverList comparison chart is a bit overwhelming and could use some sprucing up, design-wise. You might also be more effective if you just drove your primary benefit home instead of listing so many different features/points of distinction.
It can be that bad. Such a chart can be gamed (like any table or chart). It can also be a crutch. Do you need the chart to show your differentiation versus the competition? If the perspective customer would otherwise not know how you're different, then you may be better off investing your time work on the message.
Ouch. That one hurts ==> http://foreverlist.com/why#comparison_chart
I always thought it was a decent way to showcase your strengths, not a way to insult anyone. Obviously this comparison chart could include a row called "traffic volume" in which they would all blow away Foreverlist, but why would I showcase that?
Is this kind of comparison chart really that bad? What would you suggest?