This is an opinion, so don't take it as fact, but JS frameworks are a mistake. It's better to take the Unix philosophy and build things up from single components that do their one job well, and focus on standards. So an example would be to use Web Components rather than React. React is amazing but it has a limited lifespan (though that lifespan could be long), whereas Web Components, while not as feature rich, are a web standard. The gaps between React and Web Components can be filled in by various libraries, such as Lit HTML. For state management you could just use plain javascript or dip into a particular library like Redux or MobX if your needs get complex.
In any case, once something no longer fits your needs, you can change it out with something else, which is difficult if you use something like Angular or React or Vue.
I don't know... not all web standards worked well in the past: xhtml, appcache, etc. I wouldn't be surprised if web components never got success. Why should anyone use this standard when a library is 10 times better? Being the standard is not enough.
(HTML) DOM is performant, snappy, and cross browser compatible as never before. One of the reasons why jQuery is becoming irrelevant is that DOM finally works.
In any case, once something no longer fits your needs, you can change it out with something else, which is difficult if you use something like Angular or React or Vue.