But that shows some kind of misunderstanding, because you can literally build single page applications in 50 lines of code and a JS include in an html file.
None of this stuff is that much work. People are really overestimating how hard it is, and you realize it once you try it. It's just people aren't familiar.
No, no misunderstanding. I was being snarky and referring mostly to the laundry list of items that most FE devs have running or install just to start building a FE. To me that seems ridiculous and shows me that FE devs have either not paid attention to the bloatedness that is Enterprise style development or have and walked away with all the bad habits.
Thats a little presumptuous. We're doing the best we can to build complex applications, on top of a platform that still has no proper module system, no UI toolkit except a wonky document model on top of which bloatedness was built, sandboxed to hell, with the crappiest "stylesheet language", on top of a wasteful protocol that wasn't able to do more than one request per connection, with 1s (if you are lucky) time to load, compile and run fresh code on the fly, in multiple different VMs, some of them years old with half of the features missing.
We have paid attention. We're doing the best we can.
Until we get HTTP/2 everywhere, ES6 modules and we fix the tire fire that is global CSS... this is what we have to do to make it work.
None of this stuff is that much work. People are really overestimating how hard it is, and you realize it once you try it. It's just people aren't familiar.
Here's another app in another framework. Hard to get easier. I've built GUI and terminal applications, this is easier than both.