Fuzzy words and your opinon, so can't exactly argue with that.
But here's a try ;)
I take it that the meaning behind the words you used is:
no need for `pipe(` prefix and `)` postfix
can convey a pipeline in a distinctive and unique way
(with a special operator as opposed to regular function)
Let me use the same words, but with different meaning, to say "the pipe function is much cleaner and expressive IMO".
The meaning would be:
looks (is) the same as regular function application,
no need for dirtying the syntax up with
a special operator
need to only press one extra key per operand/argument
(,) as opposed to 3 (shift+|,>) ;)
can convey a pipeline just as well as the operator;
it's a regular function, so it's first class,
unlike the operator
it's variadic, so you can combine it with
spread operator syntax like:
pipe(data, ...pipeline1, ...pipeline2)
// where pipeline1 and pipeline2
// are arrays of functions