> laser cutters will often use a JPEG as the profile image.
Laser cutter operator here. Never heard of laser cutter, plasma cutter, or oxy cutter (our company has all three) accepting a JPG as the input file. I've spoken to two other local operators and they all require a DXF / DWG or some other type of NC (Numeric Code) file as input.
I often use Inkscape for text I'm going to laser cut because it does a proper job of creating text outlines compared with Draftsight which manages to bork the text when I run explodetext command.
What I don't understand using a vector graphics program to generate CNC cut items is how do you specify dimensions? CAD files have dimensionality inherent.
AFAIK Ponoko just uses the line widths to indicate cuts vs etching. they provide an Inkscape template but I don't think it's required so long as the line widths are right.
Laser cutter operator here. Never heard of laser cutter, plasma cutter, or oxy cutter (our company has all three) accepting a JPG as the input file. I've spoken to two other local operators and they all require a DXF / DWG or some other type of NC (Numeric Code) file as input.