>Terrible. Constant in-fighting. This is what is hurting bitcoin right now.
Anyone who's paying attention to the bitcoin repo can see your statement has no basis in reality. For instance, compare the number of closed pull requests between btc/eth/ltc...and bch if you want a good laugh.
Litecoin actually did last night, more volume than Bitcoin, the fees were almost nothing! I actually did send an LTC transaction last night, so much fun not to be stupid and take advantage of this revolution instead of just sitting around like a troll calling it a bubble :D
Looks like there were some. https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=15907735
>How much daily volume is it currently supporting?
Doesn't matter. Any other coin can support the same daily volume (and many others usually do)
>How does the velocity of the codebase compare to other coins?
Terrible. Constant in-fighting. This is what is hurting bitcoin right now.
Edit: added hard forks link.