Cool. I've wondered about Google's CI a lot, but there are a lot of horror stories online. Most people are complaining about it taking an hour for simple changes (something called "tap", I wonder what that stands for).
Chained code review changes, I refuse to believe that in Google version control (which is perforce according to Linus' git talk at Google) chained changes are easy. Branching in perforce is literally worse than SVN, it's a bit more like the old CVS model, and they've sort-of tried to get the SVN copy-directory model forced into the design afterwards. Also the tool support (merges ...) is bad compared to subversion and stone-age compared to Git's tools.
The one reason I keep hearing for using perforce is that perforce allows the administrator to "lock off" parts of the repository to certain users.
I've done branches and merges in Git, Subversion and CVS (and I've had someone talk me through one in Perforce, but I don't really know). Google's branch/merge experience is very likely to be somewhere between SVN and CVS, and those can accurately be referred to as "disaster" and "crime against human dignity". It's certainly not impossible, but it's very hard and you can't expect me to believe (normal developer) people can reasonably do that in Perforce.
Also: what would happen if you send out 20 chained commits, 10 of which are spelling corrections, 5 of which are trivial, compile-fixing bugs (forgot semicolon, "]" that should have been ")", etc ...), 2 of which are small changes to single expressions and 3 of which introduce a new function and some tests. Perforce, like subversion and cvs doesn't have any way of tracking stuff unless you commit it and you can almost never commit without CI and code review, so would you track changes like that, or would you just leave them in your client untracked until you're ready for a code review ?
>Cool. I've wondered about Google's CI a lot, but there are a lot of horror stories online. Most people are complaining about it taking an hour for simple changes (something called "tap", I wonder what that stands for).
Well, like I said, its possible to do modify things that have a lot of dependencies, at which point you run a lot of tests, but that would be truish anyway. Consider the hypothetical situation where you're changing you're modifying the `malloc` implementation in your /company/core/malloc.c`. Everything depends on this, because everything uses malloc. If you have a monorepo, you make this change, and run (basically) every unit and integration test, and it takes a while.
Alternatively, if `core` is its own repo, you run the core unittests, and then later when you bump the version of `core` that everything else depends on, you run those tests too, but now if there's a rarely encountered issue that only certain tests exercise, you notice that immediately when you run all the monorepo tests, and can be sure that the malloc change is the breakage. If you don't do that, then you notice breakages when you update `core`, or maybe you don't notice it, because its only one test failing per package, and it could just be flakyness. So noticing it is harder, and identifying the issue once you've decided there is one is harder, and now you need to rollback instead of just not releasing.
>Chained code review changes, I refuse to believe that in Google version control (which is perforce according to Linus' git talk at Google) chained changes are easy. Branching in perforce is literally worse than SVN, it's a bit more like the old CVS model, and they've sort-of tried to get the SVN copy-directory model forced into the design afterwards. Also the tool support (merges ...) is bad compared to subversion and stone-age compared to Git's tools.
Google no longer uses perforce, we use Piper (note that this is a google develped tool called Piper, not the Perforce frontend called Piper, yes this is confusing, afaik, Google's Piper came first). Piper is inspired by perforce, but is not at all the same thing. (See Citc in the article). The exact workflow I use isn't piblic (yet), but suffice to say that while Piper is perforce inspired, Perforce is not the only interface to Piper. This article even mentions a git style frontend for Piper.
>Google's branch/merge experience is very likely to be somewhere between SVN and CVS, and those can accurately be referred to as "disaster" and "crime against human dignity". It's certainly not impossible, but it's very hard and you can't expect me to believe (normal developer) people can reasonably do that in Perforce.
Suffice to say you're totally mistaken here.
>Also: what would happen if you send out 20 chained commits, 10 of which are spelling corrections, 5 of which are trivial, compile-fixing bugs (forgot semicolon, "]" that should have been ")", etc ...), 2 of which are small changes to single expressions and 3 of which introduce a new function and some tests. Perforce, like subversion and cvs doesn't have any way of tracking stuff unless you commit it and you can almost never commit without CI and code review, so would you track changes like that, or would you just leave them in your client untracked until you're ready for a code review ?
So, Piper doesn't have a concept of "untracked". Well it does, in the sense that you have to stage files to a given change, but CitC snapshots every change in a workspace. Essentially, since CitC provides a FUSE filesystem, every write is tracked independently as a delta, and it's possible to return to any previous snapshot at any time. One way to think of this concept is that every "CL" is vaguely analogous to a squashed pull request, and every save is vaguely analogous to an anonymous commit.
This means that in extreme cases, you can do something like "oh man I was working on a feature 2 months ago, but stopped working on it and didn't really need it, but now I do", and instead of starting from scratch, you can, with a few incantations, jump to you're now deleted client and recover files at a specific timestamp (for example: you could jump to the time that you ran a successful build or test).
>Also: what would happen if you send out 20 chained commits, 10 of which are spelling corrections, 5 of which are trivial, compile-fixing bugs (forgot semicolon, "]" that should have been ")", etc ...), 2 of which are small changes to single expressions and 3 of which introduce a new function and some tests.
I'd logically group them so that each resulting commit-set was a successfully building, and isolated, feature. Then, each of those would become its own CL and be sent for independent review.
Chained code review changes, I refuse to believe that in Google version control (which is perforce according to Linus' git talk at Google) chained changes are easy. Branching in perforce is literally worse than SVN, it's a bit more like the old CVS model, and they've sort-of tried to get the SVN copy-directory model forced into the design afterwards. Also the tool support (merges ...) is bad compared to subversion and stone-age compared to Git's tools.
The one reason I keep hearing for using perforce is that perforce allows the administrator to "lock off" parts of the repository to certain users.
I've done branches and merges in Git, Subversion and CVS (and I've had someone talk me through one in Perforce, but I don't really know). Google's branch/merge experience is very likely to be somewhere between SVN and CVS, and those can accurately be referred to as "disaster" and "crime against human dignity". It's certainly not impossible, but it's very hard and you can't expect me to believe (normal developer) people can reasonably do that in Perforce.
Also: what would happen if you send out 20 chained commits, 10 of which are spelling corrections, 5 of which are trivial, compile-fixing bugs (forgot semicolon, "]" that should have been ")", etc ...), 2 of which are small changes to single expressions and 3 of which introduce a new function and some tests. Perforce, like subversion and cvs doesn't have any way of tracking stuff unless you commit it and you can almost never commit without CI and code review, so would you track changes like that, or would you just leave them in your client untracked until you're ready for a code review ?