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Since others in the thread are discussing a lack of "targeting" and such, see also "Search Ads Advanced" [0], which allows you to "refine your audience" -- "by gender, age, and show your ads only to devices located in specific geographic areas."

[0]: https://searchads.apple.com/advanced/

For paid apps, you're largely concerned about targeting because of the increased conversion rate from impression to purchase.

Apple here is offering a cost-per-intallation pricing, so it's to their benefit to improve the targeting on their end.

That's not very targeted. Real targeting would be using the contents of your email, iMessages, browsing history, etc.

I will assume that you do not actually want this. However I do feel that there could be a bit of more targeting options without being creepy.

For example Apple could infer categories of users according to their Appstore profile and permit you to target people by their trade.

Also if DuckDuckGo can target you based on what you're searching there and then, is that not targeting? It's not stalk based targeted advertising, but you're still an ideal target since they're showing you something you're searching for, in some cases it might not be fully relevant to what you wanted, but close enough to be shown (not sure how highly relevant DuckDuckGo ads become relative to search terms).

I'm just a user of Apple products so I wouldn't, but I could see how developers want better targeting.

It's already too much, though. As far as I'm concerned, only location and "is this an adult?" should be allowed.

Geographic location makes sense. If you have an application that is quite local it might make sense to not display ads elsewhere. Removing it from other stores is not really a solution because there might be tourists who would still like to be able to get it. Gender makes sense too because let's face it, there are lot of applications that are specially targeted at women or men.

Location makes sense, that's what I meant. Gender is too private, is represented naively, and exposing it to advertisers results, in my (trans) experience, in actively unpleasant ads.

Oh, and from my experience with things like YT flipping the gender bit on me regularly: you may be cis, but you should be concerned too. The way ads are targeted based on gender is _not_ benign at all.

I see. I kind of supposed that one could choose to not expose the gender to Apple and then the ads could not use this. Actually I do not know where do they get this information from. If they try to infer it then it is of course a problem.

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