A lot of people refuse to carry any significant amount of cash. It is a risk factor, especially when at events and shows or just during busy shopping hours, due to pickpockets. An app with verified identity (using the national 2FA login system in my country) is significantly more secure.
>Should all be burned anyway. Plastic cards and bits of paper worked fine for decades, you don't suddenly need to run arbitrary code on my pocket supercomputer.
It's a bunch of silly plastic cards that I then I have to carry around in my wallet or remember to bring from home when going shopping, as opposed to having the app on my phone, which I carry around with me anyway. The app automatically calculates bonuses and rebate collection marks.
>Safer to use the website. My bank authenticates you by having you enter your PIN into a card reader - although they have created a mobile app, the security is strictly inferior as phones do not come with card readers (and the passcode is different from your PIN, making you more likely to write it down).
My mobile banking app is perfectly secure, it uses the Danish national 2FA login system, used for all public services.
It's fine for one or two cards, but for all the rebate stuff and membership benefits, I would have to carry around a veritable mountain of cards. They already have all my relevant details for the memberships, and I don't share anything further than that via my phone.
Posting anything online is a sacrifice of privacy. Using HN means your IP, your username, a bunch of connections and other data are logged in various places. We're all willing to sacrifice privacy for little conveniences, some people prioritize differently.
A lot of people refuse to carry any significant amount of cash. It is a risk factor, especially when at events and shows or just during busy shopping hours, due to pickpockets. An app with verified identity (using the national 2FA login system in my country) is significantly more secure.
>Should all be burned anyway. Plastic cards and bits of paper worked fine for decades, you don't suddenly need to run arbitrary code on my pocket supercomputer.
It's a bunch of silly plastic cards that I then I have to carry around in my wallet or remember to bring from home when going shopping, as opposed to having the app on my phone, which I carry around with me anyway. The app automatically calculates bonuses and rebate collection marks.
>Safer to use the website. My bank authenticates you by having you enter your PIN into a card reader - although they have created a mobile app, the security is strictly inferior as phones do not come with card readers (and the passcode is different from your PIN, making you more likely to write it down).
My mobile banking app is perfectly secure, it uses the Danish national 2FA login system, used for all public services.