I mean, serving a web page is easy. Processing incoming events and everything else that Sentry does is not trivial. You're not comparing likes to likes.
Yes, but they don’t run the whole thing on a single laptop do they?
Roughly speaking you take what a laptop can do and a multiply it by 1000x to estimate what a cloud service could easily do.
(It’s just an estimate, the reality is not working like that, I KNOW)
Do not take it as Nginx and webpages example, it’s indeed a poor analogy.
I can’t remember the right number for e.g. ElasticSearch fuzzy search across 10m documents of out hand so I’d pick the simpler less relevant number.
Actually fuzzy full text search across 10m documents is at least in the range of 100s/sec on a laptop. Meaning that they have resources to do at least e.g. 100k-500k/s full text searches across gigabytes of symbols.
I bet their queries are simpler then that though (not fuzzy nor full text). It’s debug symbols after all not a natural text.