Honestly, I think all the "anti-government" people I've come across (normal ones, not moneyed SV people) would be ok if they could legitimately see and hear about how their local, state, and federal tax dollars are at work in some easy way. The news doesn't cover it, and probably can't, well enough, but the data has to be there because it's public. And also, taxes are the number one thing people want to complain about.
One of the founding principles of the US was individual liberty. The more the government is involved, the less liberty is possible. Now, most "anti-government" people I know differentiate between federal and state/local and it is the strong federal government we object to. Centralizing power is dangerous (as we've seen with social networks) because when some group of people whose ethics you strongly disagree with take control, you have no choice except to leave. Cannabis is currently legal in 5 states despite being illegal at the federal level.
These topics were extensively discussed in the Federalist Papers and Anti-Federalist Papers over 200 years ago, and I would suggest everyone read them.
I cannot disagree more. The private market would choose to not service lower income neighborhoods. That may be an exercising of their liberty, but it comes at an expense of all the people living in those areas.
I'm trying to figure out who it is you're responding to exactly. My comment was more a general discussion of first principles in an attempt to answer my parent comments' query. You seem focused on a specific implementation detail, choosing to focus on the tree, not the forest.