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Conway: During The Bubble, 77% Entrepreneurs Failed. Now, It’s Around 40% (techcrunch.com)
41 points by credo on July 30, 2010 | hide | past | favorite | 2 comments

Such a misleading headline. "Entrepreneurs", in this case means "entrepreneurs that Conway invested in". That's like if Harvard put out an article saying that their graduates only had a 1% unemployment rate, and TechCrunch ran an article saying "Harvard study claims that unemployment rate is actually 1%".

The best conclusion to draw from those numbers is probably that Conway has become a much more effective investor from a combinator of his experience making him better and his reputation allowing him to pretty much get in on whatever deal he wants (and possibly his network getting better, since that's apparently a major part of his value-added).

"from a combinator" - a freudian slip :)

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