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Recent example 2 days ago:

I'm Joining Report URI | https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=15599906 (2017Nov:160points,64comments)

>skrebbel: I don't get it. What does Report URI do? (top comment)

I really like Report URI (hi Scott!) but so much of their messaging is about CSP and report-uri (the technology they use) rather than what they do (stop cross site scripting).

Troy Hunt's post details what Report URI does in the first paragraph but it didn't explain to Skrebbel how they accomplished those things.

True! It even starts with the classic "what if I told you.." and then goes on describing something that seems fantastically magical.

I learned something that day though. It's very cool that browsers can report CSP violations. HN is good for stuff like this.

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