> We've seen it hundreds of times in all kinds of software. Functions that return bool instead of an error code. Where did the precise error vanish to? Poof, it's gone!
A thousand times yes.
Earlier this year, two of us spent a full day debugging a problem with some of our automation. Our team has pretty good automation, for the most part, but this particular problem was in kind of a dark corner. A shell script in the automation would start up a process in the background, and then send commands to that process. The background process could be slow to start up at times, so to deal with this, the commands running in the foreground had long timeouts if any. Guess what happens if the background process dies?
Well, the shell script doesn't care, that's for sure, it wasn't watching for error codes in background processes. It was a bit of an adventure following the path from the foreground commands to the missing background process, and finding the log files for the background process.
It's one of the things I like about writing this quick-and-dirty automation in Go--the error handling is so explicit that you'll usually end up with good logs explaining what went wrong and what the program was trying to do at the time. Much better than dealing with shell scripts. Shell scripts are quick to write but you're often left in a bad position when they fail in unexpected ways, or even in expected ways.
(The actual bug we hunted down was traced to one missing line in a configuration file, but the problems with that piece of automation are far larger.)
So what you mean to say is that the problem is not so much that there isn't any error reporting, but that, in C, it's being ignored ?
Never do
printf("here's a number: %d", 11);
Always do:
int attempts = 0
int ret = printf("here's a number: %d", 11);
while (attempts++ < max_attempts && ret < 0) {
switch (ret) {
case EINTR:
case EAGAIN:
ret = printf("here's a number: %d", 11);
// At this point you, as a programmer, should STOP AND THINK.
// What would be a reasonable reaction here ? How will it affect
// everything else the program does ? What is the correct way to
// proceed ?
// P.S. Anyone doing "return -1;" at this point should be taken out and shot.
// and yes, that's the C equivalent of what every Go programmer always does.
panic("printf error", ret); // for example, crash the program.
Needless to say, you should do this on EVERY printf statement.
There. Isn't explicit erroring great ? NO IT ISN'T.
Needless to say, this has an almost direct translation to Go. Does anyone do this ? Of course not. In Go, like in C, like in shell scripting, in the vast majority of programs nearly all errors are ignored.
That's why exceptions are so very superior to explicit error handling : it accomplishes many things :
1) it alerts the user that an error occured. "Explicit error handling" like C, Go, most C++, ... do will simply silently attempt to proceed, likely turning a small error or a typo into a disaster or catastrophe. Silent database corruption, here we come !
2) It provides information about where the error occured. Stop me if this sounds familiar: "when an error is printed, and the program crashes, I download the source and grep it for what I think is a unique word in the error message. When it turns out it isn't I get cranky. When it turns out there isn't a unique word in the error I just sit down in a quiet corner and softly cry".
3) It allows for "layered" error management strategies. I'm not saying it gets it up to OCaml levels, but it is far superior to C or Go error management. In the main function, you catch any Exception for the various parts of the program you start, log it in a reasonable manner, alert if necessary, and restart the relevant portion of the program. Inside the parts of the program you catch finer grained exceptions with more explicit management.
4) it's far more concise.
So "explicit" error management ? Let's just be truthful here (just look at Github examples of C and Go code): it's really just ignoring errors.
You can find coding errors involving ignored errors in the Go standard library in minutes. Examples:
> So what you mean to say is that the problem is not so much that there isn't any error reporting, but that, in C, it's being ignored ?
...huh? No, I'm not saying that. I'm saying that if you write a shell script there's a risk of not detecting errors that you care about. I also said that I like to rewrite these overgrown shell scripts in Go, which is apparently a Wrong Opinion and some bad C code will somehow convince me of this.
First, the nitpicks: EAGAIN should not be handled here. EAGAIN shouldn't be retried in a loop, that will just spin the CPU for no good reason. If printf() returns EAGAIN it means that you made stdout non-blocking and hopefully you would know if you did that, but that's unusual except in language runtimes. There's also a missing break; in the switch.
Beyond that, I don't really care about error handling for printf() when I'm logging output or running interactive programs.
As an example of the errors we see in our logs, they often look like this:
some_file.go:399: could not realign warp core coupling b502:
plasmaManifold.PhaseInterplex(): host not found: m19d.eng.ncc1701d
The "ignored errors in the Go standard library" aren't really ignored errors. Look at the bufio code a little bit more closely, you'll see that those errors are properly returned.
> First, the nitpicks: EAGAIN should not be handled here. EAGAIN shouldn't be retried in a loop, that will just spin the CPU for no good reason. If printf() returns EAGAIN
Manpage seems to imply that's not the only reason:
And I'm pretty sure that the manpage is right : with creative redirects you can make that happen for other reasons too. You can redirect stdout to a file on NFS, or to a tcp socket that may have a full buffer, lots of evil ideas come to mind.
I'll take another good look at the bufio error. Thing is, I'm also pretty sure that I'd want bufio to correctly handle EINTR and EAGAIN and it seems to me very unlikely that this golang runtime code is correct for those cases. But I'll spend some time trying to make it fail. Maybe I'll learn something.
By "most of C++" you mean stuff written as C with classes right? Or perhaps the fact that exceptions are not more specific which is a general problem everywhere?
A thousand times yes.
Earlier this year, two of us spent a full day debugging a problem with some of our automation. Our team has pretty good automation, for the most part, but this particular problem was in kind of a dark corner. A shell script in the automation would start up a process in the background, and then send commands to that process. The background process could be slow to start up at times, so to deal with this, the commands running in the foreground had long timeouts if any. Guess what happens if the background process dies?
Well, the shell script doesn't care, that's for sure, it wasn't watching for error codes in background processes. It was a bit of an adventure following the path from the foreground commands to the missing background process, and finding the log files for the background process.
It's one of the things I like about writing this quick-and-dirty automation in Go--the error handling is so explicit that you'll usually end up with good logs explaining what went wrong and what the program was trying to do at the time. Much better than dealing with shell scripts. Shell scripts are quick to write but you're often left in a bad position when they fail in unexpected ways, or even in expected ways.
(The actual bug we hunted down was traced to one missing line in a configuration file, but the problems with that piece of automation are far larger.)