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I am sorry but I never implied anything about hiding. But it was difficult for me to find the exact page.

Additionally, the point was on whether I could trust you guys with my work email id, which in my opinion is more sensitive than my personal id. I can create a throwaway personal id but not business email id.

Point well taken.

Our approach is to minimize the need to sign up at all - a lot of Siftery, including all of these alternatives/substitues pages, is fully accessible without logging in.

We only suggest that you sign up (with a non-personal email), where we think we can meaningfully improve the experience by personalizing the experience to your company, and this also allows you to contribute verified data.

We stopped supporting personal email signups because there's not very much we can do to improve the experience in that case, so why bother? We can spare you a meaningless drip campaign.

You can see this philosophy at work clearly in our Product Recommenations AI (https://siftery.com/personalized-recommendations) where you can choose your own adventure by signing up or not.

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