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I recently left my macbook with the TSA after a frantic sprint through security. I was stuck with a windows 7 PC for the week.

Armed with Putty and a browser, I only missed the touchpad of my macbook. I do most of my work in Jupyter and in vim. It's rather liberating to realize you are not tied to one ecosystem. My point is I thought I would never be productive without my mac but that simply wasn't true.

I suppose I am an edge case though as most of my work is performed on my headless linux workstation.

For those wondering, TSA held on to my macbook which I retrieved over the weekend.

I’m honestly pretty amazed they didn’t relieve you of your laptop. Lots of stories of thieves in blue shirts.


Good on the TSA!

yes, good on the TSA for not stealing the laptop they confiscated/found.

Juypter? Can I ask what do you do for a living? Data-science related?

> I recently left my macbook with the TSA after a frantic sprint through security. I was stuck with a windows 7 PC for the week.

Care to elaborate more on what really happened?

Sounds like he forgot it after taking it out to be x-rayed,


Oh I thought that TSA didn't let him continue with his Macbook.

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