Most likely you have given your brain the task to do so. You have given your brain the task to care about a lot of things without letting go.
The best things to start with that I know and have done:
1. Make a list of things that cost you energy. Mark the three most importan. Solve them or let them go.
2. Free your brain from your todo list. It has better things to do. Apply the book "Getting things done" to give your brain peace from the things you haven't done yet.
3. Use a countdown timer to work 50 minutes on one task. Make a 10 minutes rest and then do the same thing with a completely different task. What this does to you is NOT to urge you to get something done. What it does is giving you complete freedom not to care about anything else for 50 minutes. (I know a similar method with 25 minutes. I prefer 50. It is no accident that it is exacly half the time. Do 25 or 50 but nothing between.)
The best things to start with that I know and have done:
1. Make a list of things that cost you energy. Mark the three most importan. Solve them or let them go.
2. Free your brain from your todo list. It has better things to do. Apply the book "Getting things done" to give your brain peace from the things you haven't done yet.
3. Use a countdown timer to work 50 minutes on one task. Make a 10 minutes rest and then do the same thing with a completely different task. What this does to you is NOT to urge you to get something done. What it does is giving you complete freedom not to care about anything else for 50 minutes. (I know a similar method with 25 minutes. I prefer 50. It is no accident that it is exacly half the time. Do 25 or 50 but nothing between.)
Feel free to combine this methods ad lib.
Gerd, brain hacker, hypnotist, NLP master