It is $14-$19.50 to see a movie where I live (probably closer to $30-40 after popcorn), I am not going to take a chance with my money on a middling movie when I can just pirate an HD copy in a month now. I will take a chance with my time however.
Everything is being made for international audiences now. Everything has to try and be one of the 30 movies a year let into the Chinese market. Plots and messages are dumbed down the lowest denominator now. I can't wait to see what movies are like now that Disney is using face scanning technology on audiences... It is a horrible time for art.
Everything is being made for international audiences now. Everything has to try and be one of the 30 movies a year let into the Chinese market. Plots and messages are dumbed down the lowest denominator now. I can't wait to see what movies are like now that Disney is using face scanning technology on audiences... It is a horrible time for art.