Flask is really good (and my preferred web framework, and full disclosure, I have forgotten how to write PHP), but it fails very badly at "no shared state," and depending on what GP meant by "a request" / "a response", it fails at that too. A Flask process handles an indefinite number of requests and responses; the built-in server handles them serially, and doing otherwise brings in either threads (and shared state) or multiple processes.
I have worked with Python/Flask, and I even built my own micro-framework on top of Ruby/Rack. It was nice, but I am far more productive with PHP, the workflow feels more natural than a cgi-like stack.
>>Have a look at Python & Flask! There is nothing easier than that!
What? PHP is significantly easier to roll out for your beginner/intermediate junior developer on a VPS. There isn't any comparison.
This comes from someone who leans on Python hard for ML work / scraping / signal processing (what it was born to do) and PHP for web development (what IT was born to do).
Have a look at Python & Flask! There is nothing easier than that!