Your statements appear to be based on the idea that traditional media is telling us what "local and regional government is up to". While this is true in a sense, they leave out what our local and regional governments are actually up to. ESPECIALLY when it comes to actual corrupting influence and the effects. I see independent journalists as more willing to confront that.
Current media gives us certain facts and certain angles, but there is too much left unsaid, untouched, analyzed, due to their corporate policies and the nature of the establishment. The relationship between politics, industry, media corporations and the government has become much too overlapping and incestuous for my comfort.
Current media gives us certain facts and certain angles, but there is too much left unsaid, untouched, analyzed, due to their corporate policies and the nature of the establishment. The relationship between politics, industry, media corporations and the government has become much too overlapping and incestuous for my comfort.