Work out a solution to verify the name. Allow anybody to sign up for 99 cent.
Now allow trusted sites (newspapers, etc.) where the feedback is important access to your authentication.
Let people use alias with the caveat that if there's enough "bad behavior" report / warning, their true name will be revealed.
This would make the startup the Equifax or BBB of the public forums. "Public credibility FICO score" and similar services would be next.
It's good for consumers too, soon the 99 c will add up.
When true anonymous comment is required, just send it to a journalist, they will make sure the person's identity is protected.
Work out a solution to verify the name. Allow anybody to sign up for 99 cent.
Now allow trusted sites (newspapers, etc.) where the feedback is important access to your authentication.
Let people use alias with the caveat that if there's enough "bad behavior" report / warning, their true name will be revealed.
This would make the startup the Equifax or BBB of the public forums. "Public credibility FICO score" and similar services would be next.
It's good for consumers too, soon the 99 c will add up.
When true anonymous comment is required, just send it to a journalist, they will make sure the person's identity is protected.