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> Most drivers are lazy, distracted, and apt to do something stupid in an emergency.

Er, citation needed. I think the vast majority of drivers are good drivers — otherwise, vehicular transport would be a disaster.

There are around 1.25M vehicle fatalities every year worldwide [0]. It is a disaster. Driving has killed more people than the world wars.

"Good drivers" -- we have no benchmark to measure against. Maybe it's amazing that 10x more people aren't killed, or maybe it's dismal that anyone is killed at all. When we have autonomous vehicles, we'll have a reference to compare against. I predict that "bad" will be the only word to describe the current situation.

[0] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_by_traffic-r...

Yeah, that's true at least where I live. Most times I drive I'll see someone do something stupid or inattentive (or even do something stupid myself!), but I see thousands of people driving normally, i.e. driving well.

Countless times I've seen pedestrians or cyclists throw themselves in front of traffic without warning, and every time the drivers have stopped without incident. A collision is by far the more exceptional case.

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