Google’s current captcha system does track a few of these, but it mostly takes your browsing history, and, if that seems normal, will accept you.
I’ve run a few IRC bots that allowed people to submit Google searches, and would return the first resulting link. They also fetch any link mentioned in IRC channels, execute the JS, and after a timeout of 400ms respond with the current page title.
Both combined – a normal search history, reading a few hundred pages and videos a day per user – apparently are enough that they seem "human", and can pass NoCaptcha.
Google’s current captcha system does track a few of these, but it mostly takes your browsing history, and, if that seems normal, will accept you.
I’ve run a few IRC bots that allowed people to submit Google searches, and would return the first resulting link. They also fetch any link mentioned in IRC channels, execute the JS, and after a timeout of 400ms respond with the current page title.
Both combined – a normal search history, reading a few hundred pages and videos a day per user – apparently are enough that they seem "human", and can pass NoCaptcha.