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42 student here.

The school is 100% free as in no upfront cost and no later charge. The difficulty is to get in, one has to make it through a 26 day C heavy selection process and pass logic tests beforehand.

The school is really meritocratic in the sense that formal background is irrelevant and financial assistance makes it accessible for almost everybody.

Provided you happen to be between the ages of 18 and 30.

I have not found official info on this but there are programs for people above 30, I see them on campus every day.

From their FAQ:

I am not between the ages of 18 and 30. Can I come to 42?

No. While we do not have anything against those who are over 30 years old, when opening a new location, we have decided to concentrate our where they can be the most efficient and where we have a great deal of experience.

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