Nonsense, I've written a much smaller one: `function tinyEditor(element) { element.contentEditable = true }`
That, plus a few crude buttons, is all this does. As several other comments point out, there's good reasons why real WYSIWYG packages are bigger—the user experience of working with a plain contentEditable element is still terrible, the output HTML still a complete mess. If you don't care much about that, you don't need an editor component, since setting an attribute and wiring up some buttons to call `execCommand` is easy enough to do from scratch.
Disclaimer: I work on one of those 'bloated' editors, , and find it a little annoying when someone implies their crude afternoon hack is somehow equivalent and we're crazy for putting in all that effort.
The last thing I want for notable developers of high quality WYSIWYG editors is to get upset. Take this with a grain of salt. Continue doing the great things you do with ProseMirror and your other valuable open source contributions. But don't get upset. Try getting inspired, to move with the times, to trust browsers more, to make YOUR projects smaller, lighter, and easier to use.
P.S. Just because something is small, doesn't mean it's a crude afternoon hack :)
> The last thing I want for notable developers of high quality WYSIWYG editors is to get upset.
While I'm certain you have good intentions, the size comparison chart at the top of the README is a bit misleading. It would be fair to list out the trade-offs on going ahead with ContentEditable so that users can know what they are getting if they choose Pell.
To clarify, Pell looks awesome and I don't intend to diss on your project or your hard work, just that the way the project's README is laid out I feel @marijn's response is not totally unwarranted.
Do you genuinely believe he has not explored that approach? How is one meant to get inspired by something they have already explored? Please don't be rude and wrong at the same time.
Even as beginner in web tech, I was convinced of the same after glancing at the code. There's probably more project packaging description LoC than logic code, so SNR is quite low.
As a person who used to work for a company developing one of the more popular in-browser text editors I can tell you that all that "bloat" is there so that you'll get consistent results across browsers.
Unfortunately there's no way around this short of not using contenteditable - which is even worse sometimes.
Most editors feature customized builds which let you reduce the footprint of the editor. If you're looking for quick gains first and foremost disable support for pasting from other applications, e.g. MS Word. It's always a major feature.
In these cases you'd have to freeze the version of every layer beneath the editor(browser/env, OS and so on), otherwise any regression in these layers is going to break your app.
But if you decide to freeze you run the risk of exposing your users to security issues.
>In these cases you'd have to freeze the version of every layer beneath the editor(browser/env, OS and so on), otherwise any regression in these layers is going to break your app.
You only need to check periodically whether new updates are ok. Same way you don't freeze all your non-editor dependencies for eternity.
And I doubt you need to care for layers below the browser ("OS and so on") changing when it comes to your WYSYWIG component in your Electron app.
Anyway we had our share of trouble with a customer due to an exotic rendering issue that occurred in two consecutive versions of Chrome and then disappeared, so yeah.
Sure, but that happens. We hit an insane performance problem related to Chrome and some weird combination of CSS that disappeared in a similar number of versions.
I'd say it's the exception and not the rule, though.
Which means you end up shipping a huge chunk of "bloat" to your end users - it may be a library or "runtime" rather than your own code, but it adds up to the same thing.
so in that case isn't it a good idea to try and reduce your overheads wherever possible? And in the case of windows store apps, the runtime is already on the users systems and they're just downloading the packaged JS/HTML
> so in that case isn't it a good idea to try and reduce your overheads wherever possible?
I think it's the opposite: if you're using react-native or electron you might as well give up on optimizing the size of your own code, because it's not going to make a dent in your overall level of bloat. Enabling your codebase to be used from the user's own browser would have a much better return in bloat-reduction, even if it meant writing more of your own code.
> And in the case of windows store apps, the runtime is already on the users systems and they're just downloading the packaged JS/HTML
Sure, but making your site windows-store-only is morally the same thing as making it single-browser (possibly even single-version-of-that-browser). The flip side of "all that "bloat" is there so that you'll get consistent results across browsers" is that you can cut a lot of bloat if you're willing to sacrifice crossplatform support.
> Enabling your codebase to be used from the user's own browser would have a much better return in bloat-reduction, even if it meant writing more of your own code.
Not every app can be ported to the browser. For instance, if I wanted to make a local file manager (like fman) I couldn't do that in the browser. This is why native apps exist.
Sure, but even for that kind of app, if you were looking to reduce the bloat then I'd look to try to cut down the runtime you were shipping (i.e. maybe you can build some stripped-down version of electron that contains only the parts you need) before trying to cut your own code, because the runtime is where most of the bloat is.
That would be a neat option, but I don't think its possible at the moment. you have to take all or nothing.
You raise a good point though. If they could make electron more modular it would save on a lot of that bloat everyone always complains about. I bet half the apps could make do without audio, image processing etc
That said (and not to take thunder away from your page), this is possible because the HTML spec itself allows for any element to be made into a "WYSIWYG" editor by adding the "contenteditable" attribute.
What most other larger editors are doing is working around some of the horrendous non-standardized versions of execCommand which varies across browsers.
Ideally a web standards body should come out with a <input type="richtext"> element, which is controlled through a sane API, and the spec spelled out to support everything by default. And get rid of the bane that is rich text editing on the web.
I note that `contenteditable` itself began as a proprietary DOM/HTML extension by Microsoft in IE5.5 back in 2000 - Gecko didn't support it until 2003. In the 2008 draft of the HTML5 specification[1] the `contenteditable` attribute's summary seems to imply that it's only featured because it "is a common attribute".
Wouldn't it make more sense to just add a standard API to invoke an external editor instead of yet again reinventing the wheel? It might be more interesting to standardize a certain type of rich text markup that could then be produced and consumed by a variety of software, both online and off.
There are web extensions that let you do that but it's often a bit clumsy I found, so I just tend to edit my text in Emacs and then copy/paste it in the box.
Regular <textarea> editing on the web is not generally a pleasant experience (I just had to grab my mouse to extend the comment area so that I can actually see what I'm typing) but rich text "WISIWIG" editors are even worse because the edition shortcuts always intersect somewhat with the regular browser shortcuts (sometimes in fun and interesting ways), they're slow and generally simply not up to par with stand alone editors.
Why does everything need to be in the browser? It's a complete anti-pattern as far as I'm concerned. Emacs is often mocked as the "emacs OS" because of how extensible it is but generally this is done by calling external programs, not reimplementing everything in elisp from scratch.
"standard API to invoke an external editor instead of yet again reinventing the wheel"
Not a bad idea, but for a lot of users they'd want that external editor to be MS Word rather than emacs and I suspect that would cause a lot of other issues....
98% of the difficulty in implementing a rich text editor is already present in every browser, its hard to call it wheel reinvention at that point. Drawing a caret and responding to key presses by mutating the dom is about the only thing left
IMO actually displaying text is not the big challenge in a text editor.
The tricky part is the user interface, text transformation (sed, query-and-replace, pipe through external programs...), text parsing (for syntax highlighting and code folding for instance) and invoking external applications, for instance to compile code or post-process your document. Web browsers are not particularly good at any of these things since they're not needed to purely "browse" the web.
If you want performance while handling big files you also need to optimize the way you stream data from the disk, something browsers are terrible at. Is there any web-technology-based editor that handles big files decently? Last time I've seen a benchmark it was pretty abysmal. Not that Emacs is great at it (it was pretty bad for a long time actually, especially pre-64bit computers) but it still was orders of magnitude faster than Atom for instance:
Accurately rendering text in an WYSIWYG HTML editor has equivalent difficulty to implementing the engine used in the web browser that will eventually be used to render that HTML, otherwise it can never truly be WYSIWYG
That's fair, I'm obviously biased by my general loathing of WYSIWYG editors but clearly I'm in the minority here. I guess when I think about text editors I think mainly of code editors.
Hi everyone, author of pell.js here, thanks for all the positive AND critical feedback. Hey, this is Hacker News, how boring would it be if everyone's comment was just "Cool" or "Good job"? I love hearing the gripes and individualized complaints of smart people that have worked on similar (and much larger) projects.
I'd like to mention a few things about pell.js and it's goals:
- It was not made to be the most full-featured editor out there
- It was not made to fight with or worry about browser inconsistencies (browsers are converging, quickly too)
- It was made to demonstrate the underlying simplicity of something that looks like magic to most beginner developers (including myself) and to teach people how to use `contentEditable` and `execCommand` via a tiny, extremely readable codebase
- It was made for people who need just a basic WYSIWYG editor in their app/site/whatever and who care about bundle size (PWA's anyone?)
Over time, many of the inconsistencies and issues will get fixed or implemented in pell, but the goal of remaining tiny yet functional will always remain paramount.
I wonder if you had branded this project along the lines of "You Might Not Need jQuery"[0] you might not have gotten so many comments dismissing it as not a "proper solution" since it "only uses contentEditable"...
I think it's good to showcase new ways of solving old problems using the latest in browser tech.
Don't expect the browser vendors to fix contentEditable or inconsistencies for you, this has been the struggle of WYSIWYG editors for as long as they have existed and it really hasn't gotten a whole lot better. You will quickly find out that by the time your getting close to fix those inconsistencies, 4-6 years have passed and your right up there with the rest of the editors in terms of size and complexity.
I will most definitely expect browser vendors to perform these fixes. I think you've fallen behind on what's taking place in the browser world right now, a huge percentage of users are on evergreen webkit browsers (and increasing rapidly). The next 4-6 years of web will NOT look like the last 4-6 years of web. And this doesn't even account for bundled browser implementations (electron, etc.)
And those evergreen browsers are still doing terrible things when it comes to contentEditable, and they don't really have a lot of choice, because it's an underspecified poorly conceptualized idea that really doesn't leave them much room to things right. There's some work happening on the W3C editing taskforce to improve the concepts involved, but that's also moving at a glacial pace, and having to struggle with browser vendors at every steps.
So again, don't suggest we (editor implementors) are clueless or behind the times. We happen to have spent quite a bit of time on this stuff. We know it.
Again, you are getting offended. Not once did I suggest editor implementors are clueless. They're likely some of the best and sharpest developers out there. Please, as I mentioned earlier, take this project with a grain of salt.
By "fallen behind" I meant still making the assumption that many users are still using outdated browsers. This is not the case anymore, especially in the last year. And because of this fact, many WYSIWYG editors might be implementing a lot of cross-platform bloat that just isn't necessary any more. Rather than raging, perhaps browse through the ProseMirror source and see what you can remove as "obsolete" code.
ProseMirror was started 2 years ago, initially only targeted evergreen browser, and has recently grudgingly added support for IE11 because customers asked for it. But yeah, I guess for some parts of some of the older projects this may apply.
I'd also be optimistic about a future with sane browser WYSIWYG editing, but it has been an uphill battle. I know the W3C Editing task force [0] has been trying to push the limits, but very few successful outcomes so far.
> The reason other editors are so big is because the take editing behaviour into account.
It doesn't take it into account as much as it hoists an implicit imperative programming language onto it.
Of course learning markdown for a non-technical user isn't easy, and having a separate "Preview" pane to show the final product certainly isn't a great UX. But it is a delight compared to "for a simple URL, I type the URL, click <Enter>, then either click the 'X' on the big preview graphic that inescapably appears or click <ctrl-z> then enter again to get rid of whatever <div> monstrosity Yahoo just added to my message."
Also the editor that will output the most inconsistent HTML across browsers. There's a reason all those other editors try and fix contenteditable (and are therefore > 1k), for more info see
Every time I see a new WYSIWYG text editor, I wonder: do people really need to set single words in bold, italic, underline, and strike-through?
I feel like this is a leftover of the old times, back when first WYSIWYG editors appeared and these capabilities were impressive. I think these days what one needs is not bold/italic, but facilities for editing structure, inserting links, and positioning images, all according to a style template.
Depends on your use-case I suppose. That's why most of these editors are customisable. When writing posts on SO, I've used bold, italic, and strike-through in the same post.
In every day usage, bold/underline/strike may be superfluous, but I would argue that italics are essential. Without at least the ability to emphasise a word in some way, your only option is uppercase.
Programmers love semantic structure, but the vast majority of ordinary people just want to make some letters bigger, italic, purple, etc. It's all about presentation.
Those of us who do care about semantic structure can often do without WYSISYG editors anyway, since we have much cooler alternatives such as Markdown and LaTeX.
I'm surprised to see no mention of the Trix editor here amongst the comments about how contentEditable is the root of all evil. Trix has a nice solution, from their readme:
Trix sidesteps these inconsistencies by
treating contenteditable as an I/O devi-
ice: when input makes its way to the ed-
itor, Trix converts that input into an
editing operation on its internal docum-
ent model, then re-renders that document
back into the editor. This gives Trix
complete control over what happens after
every keystroke, and avoids the need to
use execCommand at all.
I've been using Mobiledoc lately which also follows this model, and it feels like the right way to go for me. Fighting against contenteditable is a never-ending uphill battle.
> When Pepsi-pusher John Sculley was developing the Apple Newton, he didn’t know something that every computer science major in the country knows: handwriting recognition is not possible. This was at the same time that Bill Gates was hauling programmers into meetings begging them to create a single rich text edit control that could be reused in all their products. Put Jim Manzi (the suit who let the MBAs take over Lotus) in that meeting and he would be staring blankly. “What’s a rich text edit control?” It never would have occurred to him to take technological leadership because he didn’t grok the technology; in fact, the very use of the word grok in that sentence would probably throw him off.
My point: Microsoft has identified and satisfied this need 20 years ago. Although I'm a big supporter of the Open Web and open systems in general, sometimes I do long for a bit of dictatorship to get things done. But then I come to my senses :p
As another alternative, I used SimpleMDE ( for IPFessay (, and, while not this light, it's pretty good and featureful. It doesn't expose all the features I'd like it to expose, but I'm quite satisfied by it.
1k does sound quite appealing.
But: most of the time a WYSIWYG editor is called is when in 'admin pages' where little to nobody gives a shit about page load time. It's more about CRUD performing as expected.
If it's 10 internal admin users on desktops, the only time they're going to have to redownload the bundled js is when there's a change.
And if you're sensible you'll have multiple bundles, one of which will be a bundle of rarely updated external libraries, including that editor. So once every couple of months they have to wait an extra second or two for a page to load.
Some of the internal apps I've written for clients have a core bundle that almost never changes and then a js file almost per page (which each append a hash of their contents to the URL to ensure efficient cache busting, managed with an in memory cache of the hashes).
I am impressed by both the size and the features and no dependencies. Kinda like a gui linux under 20 MB. People need to do such similar things instead of a huge bloated single page web app with features that nobody want.
I actually started a simple WYSIWYG editor that doesn't use contentEditable but instead a tiny subset of HTML and some virtual DOM like technology. Thanks for this post. It makes me want to work more on it!
Copy & Pasting needs some work. Usually the biggest hurdle is people pasting content from other pages and the editor can't sanitize it properly. This doesn't appear to do any cleaning, which in practice never works because regular people do not know how to use the plain pasting mechanism (Ctrl+Shift+V instead of Ctrl+V).
I have always wanted a rich text editor where you could see the markdown as well as the formatting it produces at the same time (and in the same edit pane... ie not realtime rendering in a pane above).
That is if you typed:
It would show blah and still show the asterisk but in bold (apologies for using code format but HN will strip the asterisks).
There are of course some editor plugins, and IDEs that do this but I haven't seen one on the web.
EDIT Oh apparently there is stackedit (I hadn't googled in awhile).
Yeah, I'm not convinced contenteditable is ready for primetime. In my experience, pairing it with some javascript that cleans up the poor markup is necessary.
What I really wish for is not a way to make textarea WYSIWYG, but a much lighter way to add bold/italic/underline to text inputs, in such a way that I can load lots of these in a single page. It sounds like I have a very niche need, since I haven't found anything like this
What I really want is a WYSIWYG/M editor which saves/reads from markdown. I suspect that one or more of the various editors out there can do it, but it seems that all I can find are editors that will substitute the wysiwyg part for MD rather than the HTML part.
Just for the fun of it, I dove in and manually minified the code further, without changing any semantics at all. With the following, I got it down from 2878 bytes to 2010 bytes which is a 30% saving:
However, when you consider gzipping, this represents savings of roughly 12–16 bytes (it depends a little on whether the files are noeol and whether you avoid file metadata going in the gzip stream—pro tip, make your gzipped files smaller with `gzip < x > x.gz` instead of `gzip x`). Quite a few of the latter “save another one or two bytes” tricks that I employed not only increase runtime trivially (e.g. concatenating two string literals instead of using one string literal), but they also increased gzip size by four or more bytes. (The tricks for the strings “Enter the ”, “Horizontal”, “rderedList” and “insert” had saved seven bytes ungzipped at the cost of about 21 bytes gzipped, and “pell-” and “button” had saved one byte at the cost of eleven gzipped.) The lesson there is—gzip is pretty good, and deduplication is normally a waste of time in tiny files! I was hoping to get it under 2048 bytes raw and 1024 bytes gzipped; I achieved 2048 bytes raw, but after undoing some of the silly tricks gzipped is still 60 bytes off.
Of course, if you decide to abandon AMD/CommonJS support, you can quickly whip 210 bytes (100 gzipped) off, but that’s a change in semantics so I can’t count that despite it getting it under 1000 bytes.
And the really fun thing? Just write the HTML that it would have written directly, and the result is also under 2KB, this time ~585 bytes gzipped, and with the same functionality (though as written here `onChange` is kind of a global now). It looks like this (with line breaks added):
That, plus a few crude buttons, is all this does. As several other comments point out, there's good reasons why real WYSIWYG packages are bigger—the user experience of working with a plain contentEditable element is still terrible, the output HTML still a complete mess. If you don't care much about that, you don't need an editor component, since setting an attribute and wiring up some buttons to call `execCommand` is easy enough to do from scratch.
Disclaimer: I work on one of those 'bloated' editors, , and find it a little annoying when someone implies their crude afternoon hack is somehow equivalent and we're crazy for putting in all that effort.