I'm looking for useful (for the users) ways to monetize http://learnivore.com (ruby/rails screencasts aggregator I'm running).
The goal isn't to make huge loads of money, rather to pay the hosting and a bit of the time I spend maintaining and finding content for the site.
I tried various options (pledgie, amazon, affiliation through interesting ebooks) but none really worked out.
Would you have any suggestion ?
In order to make good money, you'd have to view the screencast aggregation as your marketing, not your product. You'd have to invent another product to go along with this.
Ads are a weak example of this. Ads would be about connecting programmers with businesses serving programmers, which you can see is a different product than screencasts.
Another product could be consulting. This site could generate leads for consulting gigs, which would give you more money in one hour than you can probably make in a month with ads.