>Well when has this ever not been the case? The way most of our economic systems are set up, the disparity of wealth between nations, between races, etc. They are all about this luck. In fact the difference between human beings and animal is exactly that as well. The concept taken to its conclusion is absurd.
More need to come to this realization and abandon the idea of absolute meritocracy altogether instead of paying lip service with talk of "equality of opportunity".
>It is important in disputes that law treat us equally because it is necessary for the preservation of suppressing violence by forcing all competition into voluntary exchange. Otherwise the institution cannot provide the incentive to suppress our instincts and redirect our efforts.
>But the western illusion that those values necessary to create incentives for us as an individual economic unit can insulate us from our family, and clan, and the necessary operation of our reproductive evolutionary system is a postmodernist, socialist fiction that assumes economic and legal equality can be extended to genetic equality – contrary to all evidence and reason.
>The rawlsian veil of ignorance is a complex rhetorical device for the neurolinguistic programming of the masses precisely to confuse them into the illusion of biological equality and to divorce the individual from his ancestry so that his loyalties are to the state and rather than to his familial genetic heritage.
>The blank slate, likewise is a device for the same purpose. So are diversity and open immigration.
More need to come to this realization and abandon the idea of absolute meritocracy altogether instead of paying lip service with talk of "equality of opportunity".
>It is important in disputes that law treat us equally because it is necessary for the preservation of suppressing violence by forcing all competition into voluntary exchange. Otherwise the institution cannot provide the incentive to suppress our instincts and redirect our efforts.
>But the western illusion that those values necessary to create incentives for us as an individual economic unit can insulate us from our family, and clan, and the necessary operation of our reproductive evolutionary system is a postmodernist, socialist fiction that assumes economic and legal equality can be extended to genetic equality – contrary to all evidence and reason.
>The rawlsian veil of ignorance is a complex rhetorical device for the neurolinguistic programming of the masses precisely to confuse them into the illusion of biological equality and to divorce the individual from his ancestry so that his loyalties are to the state and rather than to his familial genetic heritage.
>The blank slate, likewise is a device for the same purpose. So are diversity and open immigration.