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Go rolled back a lot of their use of the systems programming label, E.g. the first version of the website http://web.archive.org/web/20091111073232/Http://golang.org has it in the heading.

Sure, but before even the release of Go 1.0 [1] (which also doesn't mention "system") it's gone. Surely you wouldn't attribute the entire confusion around what a systems language is to a version of a pre-release language's website that made that statement for less than a year [2], almost seven years ago.

I don't want to think about the mental gymnastics it would take to come to that conclusion.

[1]: https://blog.golang.org/go-version-1-is-released

[2]: http://web.archive.org/web/20101001012723/http://golang.org/

When Go was announced, the creators made a huge deal around it being a "systems programming language", which many of its users - who have never had a reason to need a systems programming language, and so have no idea what one is - have parroted ever since. Just because they no longer have it on (most of) their site doesn't mean it didn't become a buzzword within the language's community.

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