Yes, we all know that democracy cannot possibly be wrong.
Give people more power.
It will be impossible for example to elect Adolf Hitler when the people have the ultimate power... or maybe he was legitimately elected by the majority of German people at the time?
It's kind of scary that people keep repeating their errors and have a blind faith in democracy or whatever form of government is popular.
As I said in another comment: "Democracy doesn't mean always making the right decision. But it does mean we take collective responsibility when we make the wrong one."
I never stated that the majority would always make the right decision as you're implying that I did. Nor will the correct decisions always be made by ignoring the majority.
I would argue that the people who voted to remain in the EU have more blind faith in government. Willy nilly disregarding concepts such as sovereignty, and representation, and democracy as concepts from the past that don't need to be considered any more, because we've not had a war to fight to keep them for a generation or two.
I don't want to tell my grand children that we allowed democracy to be eroded because some people were afraid how the value of the pound would be affected.